Coffee Fantasy | 02

From Bean To Art
Colombia Erazo, known as the Best Large Lot in the coffee world, is the product under precise soil analysis and well-developed planting system established by farmers Carlos and Caterine as well as Colombian coffee lab CENICAFE. Caterine, as a trade chemist, pays close attention to the quality of the harvest. Environmental protection, to their farming, is as important as the harvest quality. BECOSLUS equipments are adopted to reduce around 90% of water consumption.
The graphics highlight the famers’ scientific wisdom, research on coffee and their contribution to a better, green environment. The key person in the poster - a scientist, examines a coffee bean prudently with his precision microscope, signifying farmers’ endeavour to attain the best coffee. Water is another core element in the design, in which the excellent result of water saving is celebrated. Beard and sideburns of the scientist smoothly melt into the background, and become one. A Colombia-themed frame matching with stylised water waves is a fine enrichment of the poster. Colombia Erazo fittingly becomes the visual representation of a water-based coffee making step - the washed process.
被譽為「Best Large Lot」的Colombia Erazo,是農夫Carlos 和 Caterine 與哥倫比亞咖啡研究所 CENICAFE 在土壤分析和種植系統中合作的產物。 而作為一名貿易化學家的Caterine就主力負責控制收成後的質量。農場在追求品質的同時,亦致力於環境保護,其使用的 BECOSLUB 設備大大節約了 90% 用水。
插畫聚焦於農夫的科學頭腦、對咖啡的研究以及為環保所作出的努力。戴著精密顯微鏡的科學家主角手持咖啡豆認真觀察,從而展現出農夫對咖啡的研究與品質的追求。 水是畫面中另一重要元素,以突顯農場在節約用水上的卓越成效,科學家的鬍子髮鬢漸變為背景流水,兩者融為一體。帶有哥倫比亞風格的邊框,亦加入了水波紋的元素,與主體相互呼應。在咖啡製作步驟中,Colombia Erazo毫無疑問地化身成為與水息息相關的工序 - 水洗。