Coffee Fantasy | 08

From Bean To Art
Colombia Ángeles is grown in a mini farm owned by Maria de los Ángeles and her husband. The farm is located in Pasto, the capital of Nariño in West Columbia. There in Pasto, renowned art techniques - Barniz de Pasto mopa-mopa are inscribed onto the UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage.
Based on face masks designed by The Mask Aruba that aims to preserve the cultural heritage, the persona is fully immersed into the artistry of Mopa Mopa, from her face to hair, clothings to decorative accessories. The grinding process is presented in stunning reversed visuals in the background, completing the surreal design in whimsical flights of imagery.
Colombia Ángeles 產自哥倫比亞 Nariño 中的 Pasto,一個由Maria de los Ángeles女士和其丈夫一起經營的迷小型農場。令人注目的是,當地有一種非常著名且被列入了非物質文化遺產的藝術技巧——帕斯托莫帕-莫帕清漆(Barniz de Pasto–Mopa Mopa),以取自莫帕樹的天然樹脂製成清漆,在雕刻後的物品上繪製圖案。簡單木器在清漆的加持下蛻變成別樹一格的藝術品。
插畫藉著Mopa Mopa藝術與咖啡工序的結合,展示了產地獨有的文化特色。主角以The Mask Aruba所創作的富有民族氣息的Mopa Mopa面具為藍本,面具化身成花精靈,手持磨豆器輕輕地磨出細緻的咖啡粉末,期待著享用一杯美味的咖啡。背景將磨豆的過程以顛倒的方式表達,粉末被磨成了咖啡豆升上上空,此超現實的展現為畫面添上多一份奇幻色彩。