Coffee Fantasy | 09

From Bean To Art
Colombia Bermudez is a strong statement of the farmer’s boldness and persevering spirit to start from zero. Diego Samuel has been a pioneer in the family’s coffee business. Out of great interest and good vision, he initiated a growing project in his 2.5 hectare farm. Diego sold coffee to local cooperatives to pay for tuition fees of his study on agricultural cooperative management and enter the career of making specialty-grade coffee. Never stop improving the quality of coffee, he prefects his cup by developing.
A cow man is created to represent the determination of Diego Samuel who bravely steps into and opens a new market. The coffee process - boiling, is an emphasis of the cow man’s radiating passion. The Colombian carnival makeup on his face as well as totemic details extracted from the local straw hats on the frame are special highlights of the Columbian culture and artistry in the poster.
Colombia Bermudez體現了農夫由零開發,努力耕耘的堅強。農夫Diego Samuel 在家族的咖啡事業中扮演開荒牛的角色。基於興趣與信念,他開始了一個 2.5 公頃的種植項目,並將他的咖啡成果賣給了當地的合作社,讓他能夠支付學費研究農業企業管理,並展開了他的咖啡生產之路。由於對質量的執著與追求,他致力於研發不同生產咖啡的方法,成品亦在不同的競賽中取得了佳績。
插畫藉以牛人比擬Diego Samuel的勇於開托新市場之勇氣,配以「沸騰」的咖啡工序, 強調主角滿腔熱血的心。牛面上結合了哥倫比亞嘉年華的妝容,邊框亦配上了當地草帽的圖騰,藉此渲染出濃厚的哥倫比亞風情。