Plant-based Crew

Plant-based Crew | ,

The Power of Local Vegan



Plant-based Crew is a group of green food-lovers based in Hong Kong. The founder aims to introduce delicious plant-made non-dairy, allergen-free food and beverages to the public and showcase the power of nature. As a local-based vegetarian food supplier, Plant-based Crew’s challenge not only comes from the competition with foreign brands,but promoting local vegan choices to Hong Kong veggie and non veggie customers.


To echo with Plant-based Crew’s young and healthy qualities, the design concept is based on the “playful vegan” theme, bringing out the happy and brilliant experience of going veggie. The colour scheme is lively and profound. Plant-representative pine green is used to match the bright dandelion yellow, adding dynamics to the Logo. A dot symbolised delight is put in between “Plant” and “Based”, to replace the traditional dash. The drawing of “Crew” based on the outline of grasses, provides a sharp direction for the future’s development of the logo.


Plant-based Crew〔純素盟友〕是一群關心環境的美食愛好者。 創辦人希望以植物製成美味、無乳製品和無過敏原的食品和飲料,藉此向大眾展示植物的力量。作為香港純素食品供應商,Plant-based Crew除了面對外國進口品牌競爭,亦需向消費者〔包括非素食者〕推介本土純素食品。

