Coffee Fantasy | 05

From Bean To Art
The design of Brazil Hervaz is based on the honey testing note and its unique touch of sweetness. The original sweet taste of coffee cherries is kept in the natural processing by the farmer Sr Hervaz. He is also a beekeeper who provides pollination services and coffee blossom honey to friends and neighbours. These little yellow and black flyings are like the guard of his coffee, when the two closely connect to each other. To coffee beans, the farmer is so much like a committed and diligent bee, who works day and night to showcase the beans’ quality to its best.
Bee is depicted as a metaphor of the farmer, whose dedication to coffee making mimics bee’s hard work in pollination and honey making. The protagonist’s serious manner in examining the fruit of his hard work is a graceful posture to conclude the farmer’s endeavour to quality coffee in his grading process.
Brazil Hervaz 的設計靈感來自其獨有的蜂蜜甜味。 由農夫Sr Hervaz 以天然日曬方法製作的咖啡豆,保留了咖啡果原有的甜度。他同時亦從事養蜂工作,為朋友和鄰居提供授粉服務,供應咖啡花蜂蜜。與蜜蜂有緣的他,彷彿蜜蜂就是其咖啡的守護者;而對咖啡豆而言,農夫則像是那認真勤懇的蜜蜂,正努力不懈地將他們釀造成最甜美的成果。