Coffee Fantasy | 04

From Bean To Art
Columbia Montoya is rooted from Urrao, a town in Northwest Colombia. This specialty coffee is grown by Carmen, the farm owner who grows over 19,000 Caturra Chiroso. The plant is an altered, extraordinary species found in Antioquia, with floral note, tangerine acidity and a touch of freshness.
Plant mentation is used as the theme of graphics, supplemented by fantasy elements. Cattleya Aurea, a Columbia flower breed from mentation, is beautifully blooming from shelling. The blossom resembles the hulling process of coffee beans. Metal branches and leaves that give oxygen and life to the flower recall the aesthetics of steampunk. The rebellious match of moon-beam silver and metallic gold is a big blow to the viewers. The ornaments inspired by artisan rustic Chiva Bus on the frame complete the drawings’ Colombian style with extra imagination.
Colombia Montoya源於哥倫比亞的烏拉約城鎮(Urrao),由女士Carmen經營的農場出產,該女士擁有 19,000 株品種為 Caturra Chiroso 的植物, 這是出現在安蒂奧基亞地區上突變的新品種,呈現出花香和柑橘的特徵。
插畫以植物突變為主題,再注入奇幻元素。果實在玻璃氧氣罩內拉開皮囊,哥倫比亞的變種花——金黃嘉德麗亞蘭(Cattleya Aurea)從咖啡豆中蛻殼而出,美麗綻放,這亦展現了咖啡的脫殼工序。金屬的枝葉在旁襯托,為玻璃罩注入養份,月光銀配上金屬金,為空間染上蒸氣朋克的色彩。框邊的花紋靈感源自哥倫比亞Chiva Bus的車身圖騰,與主體組合成奇幻化的哥倫比亞風格。