Barista Beer
Espresso Alchemy X Lab Brewer | Illustration, Packaging

“Barista Beer” is a Hong Kong handcrafted coffee beer, produced by a local coffee roaster – Espresso Alchemy and a local brewery – Lab Brewer. They were experimenting and striking for an amazing result of the combination of coffee and beer. We are glad to get involved in this project to promote Hong Kong craft beer with a special crossover with two local brands. To us, “Barista Beer” is not only a mixture of coffee and beer but also a crossover of vintage alchemy and modern science. There is a common characteristic of “Alchemy”, “Laboratory”, “Coffee” and “Beer” – that’s the “procedure” of mixing different elements or materials in an attempt to create a new result. The beer label has illustrated the whole procedure of making the “Barista Beer”, to engage the customer learn the beer creation when they are enjoying their “Barista Beer”. The gear makes a connection with all the process, the alchemy symbols and the illustration show what ingredients were being used in the production, as well as the process, such as grinding, filtering and boiling. Each of the robot hand is holding the laboratory equipment to emphasize the handmade gesture.
由咖啡烘焙商(Espresso Alchemy)及啤酒釀造廠(Lab Brewer)共同釀製的手工咖啡啤酒。我們以兩個品牌的鮮明形象出發,將復古鍊金術與現代科學融合。包裝上的插畫以鍊金術符號表現咖啡與啤酒的共通煉製過程:磨碎、烘焙、發酵等等。齒輪外圍繞著機械手臂,代表全人手造,而每隻手皆持著的,不是平常的造咖啡工具,而是代表科學的實驗工具。務求把兩個品牌的特色相緊扣。