The Tale of Coffee Making

Espresso Alchemy | ,

Enjoy more than a cup of coffee



The paper cups designed for Espresso Alchemy is a storyteller itself, narrating the tale of coffee making with its richly expressive details. A set of alchemical symbols are re-designed and re-interpreted with elements of coffee, introducing the coffee’s profile from bean to cup. Leaving a vintage impression, the paper cups echo with Espresso Alchemy’s mystical image and underscore the brand’s creative fantasy. There are cups of two sizes from the series, with specially designed sleeve over the small one. When people twist the sleeve while they drink, it is just like taking a journey to the magical coffee-making world through the little hole. Coffee can be fun, and there are always possibilities waiting to be explored. 


這次為 Espresso Alchemy 設計的咖啡杯,杯身360度承載咖啡知識及製作工序,以器皿為客人說故事。 杯身走復古風,一系列煉金術符號被重新設計,注入咖啡元素講解從咖啡豆到杯中物的道道工序,呼應品牌咖啡煉金術師的魔幻形象。 系列有大小兩杯,小杯另有杯套緊扣,喝咖啡時可轉動杯套,從小洞一探咖啡豆由種植到沖煮的魔法。客人拿起杯子,喝一杯咖啡,卻不只是喝咖啡,還可以玩,可以了解,可以欣賞,開發品嘗咖啡的更多可能。